Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pre AcceleDent and Days 1-5

I have been taking pictures of my teeth since day 2 of my treatment but am just now getting around to posting pics. I am hoping to post each week as life allows. I apologize ahead of time for the terrible iphone photos.

Here is what I looked like pre-braces.

Not too bad to the average eye I suppose but the bite is just terrible and was leading to TMJ.

Here I am when I first got my old braces on.
Boy it's crowded in there isn't it?

And here I is where the progress brought me just a couple of weeks before I had my old ones removed and the new ones put on.
 Notice that there is A LOT more space in that mouth. But they angle downward on the right, the top doesn't meet the bottom and they are inside the bottom teeth. The lower center teeth are overlapped and the tooth to the left of those center teeth leans outward, kind of like it wants to jump out of that messy mouth. Also, the upper two center teeth are not even. The right is lower than the left. And dont even ask about that white wire. Sheesh.
This is day 2 of new braces and AcceleDent. Can you see the difference cause I sure can!! The top two are much more even, the bottom two are no longer overlapped and the tooth to the left looks like he is deciding to stay a while. He has moved back into the mouth a bit more. There is also less space between the 3rd tooth on the top right and the teeth on the bottom. Does this make sense? Folks, I am seeing a good bit of movement after just TWO DAYS  with the device. This past week has me so hopeful. I may not be in braces for two years after all!!

Below you will see a collage of the above pics plus days 3-5. The movement is less noticeable but it is there. Believe me, I have stared at and compared these pics until I was seeing my mouth in my own dreams.  Not really but close I"m sure.
 Anyway, I will see you all again in a week. Hope you all are having a great Christmas season!!

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